Please note due to directions from the Chief Health Officer, visiting to our health service and aged care facility is currently restricted.
All support persons/carers to our health service are required to:
- Provide evidence of fully vaccinated status
- Wear a face mask at all times
- Practice hand hygiene
- Visitors over 18 need to be fully vaccinated or provide a negative rapid antigen test on the day of visitation and wear a surgical mask.
- Visitors under 18 need to be fully vaccinated or provide a negative rapid-antigen test of the day of visitation.
If a support person/carer is unvaccinated they are required to:
- Provide evidence of a negative RAT
- Wear an n95 mask
- Visit in an outdoor area
The number of visitors is limited to 2 in hospital and in Glenarm.
Visitors must stay in the patient/consumer’s room and limit movement around the building.
** If a support person or carer has had a positive covid result in the past 30 days they are required to show proof of the DHHS evidence of this.
For more information *
Visiting Aged Care
Visitors to our Aged Care facility are currently restricted.
- Visits can occur daily between 1pm and 5pm.
- Visitor numbers are currently restricted to two visitors per consumer.
- Staff are able to assist visitors with Rapid Antigen testing as required.
Please call Glenarm for further information.
See more information here:
1. Daily visitors to be RAT tested weekly instead of 3rd daily and non-regular visitors will need to be tested prior to entry to Glenarm these are undertaken by Nursing Staff.
2. 2 visitors per consumer between the hours of 1-3pm (children under 16yo are exempt but only 2 children with the adult) and all visitors must ring and make a booking during the allocated times
3. Visitors must wear a mask at all times in Glenarm. Masks are located at the entry door to Glenarm with Visitors Masks on the box
4. Visitors must have at least two vaccinations as per the DoH guidelines. If a visitor is unvaccinated they must wear a mask and face shield and see their relative in the outdoor areas. Vaccination proof to be witnessed at Glenarm or Front Reception, if no one there it must be shown to a clinical staff member.
We appreciate the co operation and understanding from the community and visitors and continue to work closely with our consumers, staff and visitors to ensure consumer safety.